The Mindfulness Curriculum

For Primary School Years 1-6


What is The Mindfulness Curriculum?

A framework and resource to support primary school educators in bringing mindfulness into their classrooms. 

Co-developed by educators, psychologists and mindfulness experts, The Mindfulness Curriculum offers primary educators a structured but flexible framework which can be used as a comprehensive and stand-alone social and emotional learning program in the classroom, or adapted to complement existing Wellbeing programs. 



The Mindfulness Curriculum Scope and Sequence

The Mindfulness Curriculum is based around 20 topics which have been mapped to the Australian Curriculum and supports students in Year 1 to Year 6 to develop self awareness, self management, social awareness and social management skills.

The mindfulness based lessons and practices provide a consistent and practical approach to teaching and exploring these topics with students, as well as providing students with an opportunity to develop practical skills and strategies which support good mental health and wellbeing.

The Mindfulness Curriculum covers the following 20 topics:


— Awareness
— Attention
— The Senses
— Savouring
— Movement

— Recognising Emotions
— Managing Emotions
— Self-Compassion
— Optimism
— Strengths

— Gratitude
— Making Decisions
— Setting Goals
— Empathy
— Acts of Kindness

— Positive Relationships
— Positive Communication
— A Curious Mind
— Growth Mindset
— Resilience


What's included in The Mindfulness Curriculum?

The Mindfulness Curriculum has been created to support a whole school and community approach to wellbeing, and has resources for educators, parents and students.

The Mindfulness Curriculum includes:

  • Manuals for Educators

  • Student Journals

  • The Free Smiling Mind App

  • Parent Resource Guide

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School Implementation Guide for the Victorian Curriculum

A comprehensive guide to support Victorian school leaders in the implementation of mindfulness into the school teaching and learning program.

This document is designed to help educators map mindfulness to the Victorian Curriculum.

It provides a practical framework to support educators to bring mindfulness into their classrooms and across their school and to develop a strategy around school-wide mindfulness approaches.


Educator Manuals

The mindfulness based lessons and activities provide a practical approach to teaching and exploring these topics with students, as well as supporting students to develop skills which support good mental health and wellbeing.

The Educator Manuals are unlike any other - celebrating beautiful design and the impact that well designed resources can have on our own wellbeing and enjoyment in using them.

The Educator Manuals are both reference guides and practical manuals and include information on the science and benefits of mindfulness, tips for implementing mindfulness into your school as well as lesson plans and extra classroom and take-home activities. 

With extra space in each lesson to capture lesson notes, personal reflections and observations, the Mindfulness Curriculum invites you to mindfully engage the senses and easily teach in the class setting. 

Illustrations by Melbourne artist, Beci Orpin.

The Educator Manuals for Years 1 to 6 can be purchased via our online store, or as part of a package when booking a professional learning course for your school.



Student Journals

The successful integration of mindfulness practice into daily life helps to strengthen the skills and strategies that students can take with them into adulthood. 

The Mindfulness Student Journals have been designed to support students to take what has been learnt in the classroom and through personal reflection, deepen their understanding in line with each developmental stage of their lives.

These journals have been designed for students across each individual year level, from year 1 to 6. Each journal includes 20 engaging mindful activities, based on the topics in The Mindfulness Curriculum and complement the lessons and activities in the Educator Manuals. 

Due to overwhelming demand the Mindfulness Student Journals for Years 1 to 6 are now available in our shop.

Free Smiling Mind App

The Mindfulness Curriculum lesson plans and meditations delivered through our Smiling Mind app are accessible to all.

At Smiling Mind we use technology for good. Our flagship product – The Free Smiling Mind App – is where educators can access The Mindfulness Curriculum programs. There is a program for each year level, and each includes the lesson plans and supporting meditations for each topic.



Parent Resource Guide

Learning mindfulness does not start or end in the classroom, parents and family members also play a key role.

Our approach is to involve the entire community when it comes to teaching mindfulness and that's why we encourage parents and family members to get involved in their child's mindfulness journey and find ways to help bring mindfulness into the home.  

This resource is a guide for parents that provides an introduction to mindfulness and an overview of the science and evidence-based research. It offers advice on how to support a child's learning at home and even how parents can get started with their own practise!


We can support a whole school approach to teaching mindfulness in your school.
